Service of mourning planned for victims of tragic crash in Wallaceburg

Service of mourning planned for victims of tragic crash in

The funerals have been held for three young Wallaceburg residents who tragically lost their lives in a crash, but there is an opportunity for the community to join together and support each other as they continue to grieve.

Matt Cousins, 24, Victoria Baertsoen, 24, and Shae-Lynn Bachus, 23, were killed when the car they were in collided with a tanker truck around 10 pm May 21 in Wallaceburg. Two other passengers, Selena Bushey, 22, and Mackenzie Vandroffelaar, 25, were injured in the crash.

The Wallaceburg Ministerial Association is organizing a service of mourning Thursday at the Wallaceburg Christian Reformed Church, beginning at 7 pm

“We felt a need to do something,” said Tim Leferink, pastor of the Wallaceburg Christian Formed Church. “The community is in mourning.”

The pastor recalled speaking to a local resident who shared not having an affiliation with the victims, but stated, “I just felt lousy all week.

“I competed with that,” Leferink added. “And I think so many people are feeling lousy this week.”

He said the service is an opportunity for those who may have not felt quite up to going to the funerals or visitations to take part in something.

“Mourning is a complicated process, nobody wants to go through it, but we all need to go through it in order to deal with the emotional baggage that comes along with a loss like this,” Leferink said.

He said a public service of mourning is rare, but does date back to the First Testament of the bible.

“The community came together and they mourned and they called out to God,” he said.

Leferink believes this what people need when this type tragedy happens is “to get back to basics and talk to God.”

Four or five pastors will participate in the service that will include bible readings followed by short reflections on them, some prayer and songs.

Leferink is not sure how many people will attend, but noted a full-house is expected. He said the doors will open at 6:15 pm The church is located at 150 Bruinsma Ave.

Those looking for support can also contact Chatham-Kent Victim Services at 519-436-6630 or by email at [email protected].
