Selenium benefits: What is selenium, what does it do?

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Selenium can be found naturally organically. It can be found organically in the air, water and soil. Although selenium cannot be synthesized by living things, it is a mineral that must be found in trace amounts for the health of living things. People can meet their selenium needs by eating a healthy and balanced diet. The main task of selenium in the human body is to take place as a cofactor in the structure of enzymes.

What is selenium?

Many scientific studies to date have shown that selenium has more than one positive effect on human health. Therefore, selenium deficiency can lead to negative situations in humans. Before talking about the benefits of selenium, it is necessary to learn what selenium is. “What does selenium mean?” We can answer the question as follows: Selenium is a mineral that cannot be synthesized by living things, that is, cannot be produced. It is a mineral that living things must take from outside, even in trace amounts.

Selenium takes place as a regulator in the human body and has a great role. It is found in many organs and tissues from the liver to the thyroid gland, especially in the musculoskeletal system. The absorption of selenium in the human body takes place in the duodenum. Deficiency or excess of selenium can cause different problems.

How is selenium used?

People meet their selenium need mostly from foods and foods. Especially people living in a selenium-rich geography can meet their selenium needs more easily. However, in some cases, selenium deficiency can occur. In case of selenium deficiency, it is necessary to take supplements under the supervision of a doctor. Other than food and food, people who take or want to take selenium supplements often ask “When should selenium be taken?” We can answer the question as follows: If selenium is to be used as a food supplement, it must be used under the control and approval of a doctor, and drugs that are not prescribed by the doctor should not be used. Under the doctor’s control, selenium supplementation can be taken as 1 tablet per day, either on an empty stomach or a full stomach, depending on the deficiency.

What does selenium do?

As a result of studies on the benefits of selenium and what it does, it is found in the human body, on average, between 3 and 20 mcg. Although selenium is mostly found in the skeletal and muscular systems of the human body, it is found in many systems. The most important reason for this is that selenium has a regulatory effect on the body. Thanks to the regulating effect of selenium, many systems function more healthily. Selenium benefits are as follows:

  • Protects cardiovascular health. Most people with coronary artery heart disease usually have low levels of selenium.
  • Selenium may be effective in the treatment and prevention of some types of cancer. It is especially important in the treatment and prevention of prostate, lung and liver cancer.
  • Selenium supplementation, used in the treatment of cancer patients, is thought to slow the progression of cancer.
  • Selenium supplementation can also help minimize the side effects of drugs used in cancer treatment.
  • Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. It helps in removing free radicals in the body. An excess of free radicals can increase the aging process of cells and thus accelerate aging. With the antioxidant property of selenium, it fights free radicals and protects the health of red blood cells.
  • Thanks to its antioxidant properties, selenium can delay the aging process by mitigating the effects of aging and aging.
  • Selenium can fight oxidative stress and contributes to the immune system.
  • Selenium also plays a role as a regulator in the structure of enzymes that enable the reactions to take place in the body.
  • Selenium mineral supports and regulates the functioning of glands and hormones.
  • Selenium plays a major role in the synthesis of T3 and T4 hormones. After the skeletal system, the region with the highest selenium content is the thyroid glands.
  • Selenium is also stored in the testicles in men and thus directly positively affects the quality and number of sperm.

Although selenium is naturally found in the air, soil, and water, the human body cannot produce selenium directly. This is why people need to get selenium from food or supplements. There are foods of animal origin if selenium-containing foods are per se. Foods of animal origin are rich in selenium. In particular, offal such as liver and kidney contain plenty of selenium. Foods containing selenium are as follows:

  • sea ​​products
  • Chicken meat
  • Red meat
  • offal
  • green lentils
  • Red lentil

Selenium is not just a mineral of animal origin. Selenium can also be obtained from plant-derived foods. In order to obtain selenium from plant-derived foods, the soil where the plant grows must be rich in selenium. Since selenium can be found in the soil, selenium can also be taken from plant-based foods grown in soils rich in selenium.

What is the daily need for selenium?

There may also be selenium in some legumes and plant-based products, especially animal-derived foods. People can get the selenium they need from food. In order to meet the selenium needs of people, they need to be fed regularly and healthily. However, sometimes selenium deficiency can occur. For example, if the person is eating healthy enough, but there is a problem during absorption, there may be a selenium deficiency. In addition, people who do not consume animal products can also experience selenium deficiency.

If a person has a selenium deficiency, they can use supplements under the control of a doctor to compensate for this deficiency. A person over the age of 4 and adults should take 55 mcg of selenium daily. However, although this amount of daily use may vary depending on the selenium value in the body of the person, the amount of selenium needed daily for a person in general is between 50-200 mcg.

What is selenium deficiency?

Selenium deficiency can occur if people do not eat healthy and regularly, do not consume enough products of animal origin, or if there is a problem with selenium absorption. In addition, people living in regions where selenium is low geographically can also be deficient in selenium. Pregnant women and expectant mothers may also experience a selenium deficiency and may need to take selenium supplements. The symptoms of selenium deficiency are as follows:
Thyroid gland diseases and goiter disease
reproductive problems
hepatitis, cirrhosis
anxiety, depression
Diabetes, insulin resistance
Muscle and bone problems

If you experience these symptoms and think you have a selenium deficiency, consult a doctor immediately. Do not use any medication, supplement or food without a doctor’s direction and prescription. Incorrect and incomplete treatment can lead to a bad outcome of the situation.

What causes an excess of selenium?

Selenium deficiency can be experienced as well as selenium excess. Selenium is not found equally everywhere in nature. Therefore, those who live in places with plenty of selenium in their soil, air and water, those who consume animal products and especially offal very often, and people who take selenium supplements may experience an excess of selenium. Causes of excess selenium:

  • Stomach and intestinal problems
  • gastrointestinal problems
  • Impairment of dental health
  • impaired reflexes
  • Acute or chronic selenium poisoning (Gastro-intestinal problems, yellowing of the skin, shortness of breath)

Excess selenium can lead to diseases as well as deficiency. For this reason, it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking supplements of other minerals such as selenium. At the same time, a doctor’s prescription is absolutely necessary for the correct use of supplements.
