Say goodbye to your double chin!

Say goodbye to your double chin

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    A new beauty trend on TikTok is making headlines: the double chin mask. With this trick, you can say goodbye to your double chin without going through the knife box. Explanations

    Aesthetic medicine is attracting more and more interest on social networks. This does not prevent TikTok users from sharing their tips for overcoming certain complexes without having to do surgery. This is the case of the double chin, which could disappear, not like magic – but almost – with the help of a simple fabric mask.

    The “double chin reducer”

    Admittedly, TikTok users are inventive, offering hundreds, if not thousands, of beauty tips designed to make life easier for their fellow human beings. Far from being all innovative or engaging, they can nevertheless sometimes arouse attention, and even prove to be very useful on a daily basis. Having gone viral, the latest would eradicate the dreaded double chin in just a few tens of minutes. Surprising enough to warrant a closer look.

    two users, Rocio Roses and Lady Wonder, have distinguished themselves with this new “foolproof” method, which has collected tens of thousands of views in just a few days and has been taken up by a host of beauty addicts. Contrary to what one might think, there is no question of aesthetic medicine, even less of modeling or any ancestral technique brought up to date. These are simply the virtues provided by a sheet mask, like the ones you apply (no doubt) to hydrate, purify, or detoxify your skin every week.

    Already very popular in Asia, this mask is specifically formulated to reduce the double chin, and moisturize the skin, as indicated on the packaging presented by one of the users at the origin of this trend. No need to give you the brand, since the product is available today in all sauces, generally under the code name “double chin reducer”. Impossible to miss.

    What are the ingredients in this sheet mask?

    Formulated with collagen, seaweed, aloe vera extract and hyaluronic acid, the sheet mask claims to be vegan, and therefore promises to reduce any self-respecting double chin with use. As you will have understood, it is not a question of wearing the mask once to get rid of this pile of subcutaneous fat, but of taking advantage of its long-term virtues. The product, which perfectly matches the shape of the chin and is fixed behind the ears, would offer – thanks to this cocktail of active ingredients – a kind of lifting with a firming effect to redefine the oval of the face. Difficult to judge without trying it even if the users of the Chinese social network seem to be conquered.

    A few months ago, another method, mewing, had emerged on TikTok to transform the face without going through the scalpel box. It was then a question of practicing rehabilitation exercises of the placement of the tongue to obtain a square jaw. Facial yoga or certain tools like the gua sha, would also make it possible to make the double chin disappear. So many techniques to experiment and compare, to find the one that suits you best.
