Save photos from websites with Safari

There is a very simple method to save photos from websites with Safari. You can easily do this by performing the operations we will list.

All latest Macs running Sonoma and earlier versions of macOS come with the Safari browser preinstalled. This energy efficient web browser not only offers a fluid experience but also supports a wide range of features. These features include changing default search engine, private browsing, new Profile feature and more.

Saving photos without unblocking some websites on macOS with Safari

Many websites allow you to right-click the photos they host and allow you to copy or save them. However, not all sites allow this. Sometimes web pages may block this function or present a bad image in WEBP format. Fortunately, there is a solution when you want to save a photo you want in Safari but don’t want to take a screenshot and compromise on quality. All you have to do is follow the steps below.

  • On your Mac, visit the website hosting the photo you want to save using the Safari browser.
  • Right click anywhere and click “Inspect Element”.
  • Click on “Sources” in the middle.
  • Click on the “Photos/Pictures” folder on the left side.
  • Double-click the desired photo in the list on the right.
  • The name of the photo will now appear in the left side tab.
  • Right-click on the name of the photo and click “Save File”.
  • If you wish, change the name and choose where you want to save it, then press the “Save” button.
  • The photo will now appear in the designated folder.

This feature allows you to keep the original quality

Saving web photos is a really useful feature on macOS with Safari, even if the web page blocks this functionality. This allows you to import a photo while keeping its original quality. It’s also a great way for curious people to see how a particular website is designed.

After all, many pages rely on overlapping graphics and images that result in impressive visual presentations. The ability to browse individual images available on a particular site can help a user get inspired or learn something.
