Santiago Gamboa and his double

“It’s good to turn a novel into a house”. The author ofA house in Bogotá had this sentence one day. And plenty of other phrases, which have filled many other houses: in Madrid, New York, Paris, New Delhi, Cali. Hard to follow, boy

Santiago Gamboa.

He is best known for his novel Losing is a matter of method, translated into 6 languages ​​and adapted to the cinema, in 2005. And we follow him with a little tremor in the bookmark because his Latin American imagination often has blood on its hands. We read, we think, we wonder. Could it be his past as a nerd journalist, his narco-traumatized Colombian psyche, his impossible weaning from readings tinged with magical realism? But after reading his new opus colombian psychowhich opens with human limbs found in a wasteland in Bogota and whose owner is still alive, the question persists and signs: Santiago Gamboa would he be a psychopathic author?…

The musical choices of Santiago Gamboa

Rafael Escalona, ​​Bovea y sus vallenatosThe Testament

ruben Blades Dime
