San Diego rejoices over the birth of a rare emperor penguin – watch a heartwarming video of the chick

San Diego rejoices over the birth of a rare emperor

The chick had a hard time hatching from its egg, but people helped by making a hole in the shell.

Sea World San Diego in the United States is celebrating the birth of a female emperor penguin chick for the first time since 2010. Emperor penguins living in Antarctica are in danger of extinction, so there is really reason to celebrate.

The baby saw the light of day on September 12, but its entry into the world was not without help. The chick had trouble breaking out of the egg. Sea World staff soon realized it was due to the animal’s deformed beak and began by making a small hole in the egg.

– This is the most exciting thing we do all year, possibly the whole decade, curator of the theme park’s bird section Justin Brackett tells.

Sea World San Diego is a marine mammal park and aquarium. It is the only place besides Antarctica in the Western Hemisphere where you can see a rare species of penguin. There are 17 emperor penguins in the park.
