Sami Bouajila, a prince of the 7th art

Sami Bouajila a prince of the 7th art

The beauty of an angel, an inner breath and an underground passion that transcends her natural modesty. I present to you Sami Bouajila, a face of French cinema, as bankable as he is intimate. For around fifty films, he has appeared on our screens under the direction of the greatest: Dridi, Kechiche, Rochant, Desplechin, Bouchareb, Roschdy Zem.

Career full of finesse, between auteur cinema and action films, Sami Bouajila knows how to do everything. Play an Algerian rifleman, a homosexual undergoing triple therapy or a Tunisian father struggling with the question of filiation. There is a doubly question of filiation: first at the Théâtre de l’Oeuvre in Paris where he plays A prince by Émilie Frèche – a single on stage which tells the story of a man whose memory merges with that of his son… then in the landscape of French cinema which discovered, 30 years ago, a Arab actor and who makes him today a French actor in the full and noble sense of the term…

Sami Bouajila’s musical choices

Yasmin Levy One night but

Adriane Lenker & Buck Meek Angels

Matt Corby The live on the resolution Tour Resolution.
