Salad of fresh herbs and mesclun with zaatar

Salad of fresh herbs and mesclun with zaatar

Thyme is the main component of the mixture called zaatar. And zaatar is also strictly speaking a plant of the thyme family. It is particularly consumed in Algeria. There, it is consumed for example in the form ofinfusion to relieve the problems of digestion. Or to facilitate the sleep. Some scientific studies thus suspect that the carvacrol contained in thyme would have properties anxiolytics.

More generally, tradition attributes interesting virtues to thyme in the treatment of respiratory disorders. Scientific studies have even been able to show that associated with other natural products, it allowed — in the form of syrup or in inhalation — to fight against bronchitisfor example.

Thyme also contains thymol. The very one that is an integral part of the ingredients of mouthwashes antiseptics. And scientific studies have been able to demonstrate that thymol has activity against cavities and against certain bacteria pathogens found in our mouths. Thus gargling of a cooled thyme infusion would help fight dental plaque.
