Russia organizes military exercises near Japan – a US, Japanese and South Korean missile defense exercise is also underway in the area

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According to Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov, the exercises are organized “within the framework of international law”. According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the exercises involved practicing an attack against the enemy’s fleet at sea.

Japan has harshly criticized Russia’s decision to hold naval military exercises near the disputed Kuril Islands.

Russia and Japan have not reached an agreement on the control of the island group’s southernmost islands since the end of World War II.

Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov according to which the exercises are organized “within the framework of international law”. Peskov justified the exercises by saying that Russia’s immediate region is “in a chaotic state on many fronts”.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigun in the exercises, a strike against the enemy’s fleet at sea was practiced.

Japan, the United States and South Korea are also training

At the same time, a joint naval war exercise between Japan, South Korea and the United States is also underway in the vicinity of Japan, which is aimed at countering the threat of North Korea.

The exercise aims to improve the countries’ mutual coordination in case North Korea fires missiles against them.

North Korea has recently accelerated its missile exercises and nuclear weapon development.

North Korea says the three countries’ joint military exercises are preparations for nuclear war.
