Rough Justice: ’84 review

Rough Justice 84 review

The legendary detective detective series of the 80s are coming to our computer. We take a closer look at the game in our Rough Justice: ’84 review content.

Rough Justice: ’84 review: Those who lived in the 80s remember the TV series Blue Moon and Circle of Danger. They were not full of action and CGI graphics like today’s fancy productions. We used to gather in front of the screen once a week to watch serials that featured bilateral relations, mysteries and more human aspects.

In the past days, while I was thinking that the game world has been repeating itself as a subject recently, I thought, “Why aren’t fictions like old times made?” It’s like an adventure, maybe tracking down a stolen car, or doing fingerprinting to compile clues we find while investigating a hidden warehouse. If you are one of those who think like me, we may have found the game we were looking for. Because Rough Justice: ’84 has the same features and even more.

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Rough Justice: ’84 review / PC

Our hero Hank is an ex-cop. He was imprisoned for abuse of power. When he came out, he was ostracized by his other friends. He still has to work and earn money somehow. Detective is the job he can do best. The solution is at hand. Because it does not seem possible for the police to cope with the increasing crime rate in Seneca.

Guess who has a job at this point? Private detectives, of course. While it’s not our job to keep the city safe, we can contribute. For example, we can track down a stolen car and return it to its previous owner. Or if you are looking for a more simplified task, we can work as a security guard at a school.

Rough Justice: '84 review / PC

Now that we’ve set up our agency and become the boss, we first need to hire an agent to get started. Each agent has a price. The features also vary depending on the price. You hire agents in exchange for shifts. You need to make them successful by giving them the jobs you find during the shift. However, not every agent is suitable for every job. Because agents have five different characteristics (strength, intelligence, perception, reflex and empathy). It doesn’t make much sense to send an empathetic agent for interrogation. However, if you are very willing, you can put a tool in the agent’s item slot to support his needs. Even if the slot is single, the money can be increased if desired.

We have $250 in the beginning. After hiring my agent with this part of it, we go to the map. You can see the quests and shopping stores on the map. After we choose a mission and assign our agent, we wait for him to go to the mission area. In this case, the concept of time comes into play. Because we keep our employee on a daily basis, the time it takes to arrive at the scene is also calculated.

Rough Justice agents

There are various solution methods, depending on the type of task. At the beginning, we try to solve our case by rolling the dice. In the following processes, we come across many different task solution methods. There is an important tip for rolling the dice. I wasted a lot of time before I realized it. When you arrive at the mission, you have to choose one of the two jobs. If you choose the one that is not suitable for your abilities, the numbers of the dice you will roll will also be low. The goal here is to reach the highest dice, solve the case and earn both money and reputation. Because as your reputation increases, you will start to have new customers and get bigger jobs.

In the three-round process, you will increase your chances of success by rolling three dice of four or more. However, the number of dice your agents can roll is limited depending on their abilities. In order to increase this, you can also use the equipment they have, and you can roll more dice in the same round. Or you can buy dice using your agent’s action points, which will reduce the number of jobs you will have him do.

Dice can push missions

After each successful mission, you get experience, money and loyalty points as a reward. The agent whose action points are exhausted then returns to rest. Of course, you can keep them again later if you want. Although it may seem a bit complicated, you get used to the game in a short time.

Before starting a new task, it will be in your best interest to send them to one of the shops in the city and have them shop. The items you buy directly affect their skill points and increase the likelihood of cases being resolved. For example, if you take pepper spray, it gives +1 to your reflex score. Of course, there is a limit to the use of items. Some are single use and some are double. You can use it to add a feature that you believe your agent is low on or to increase your existing feature according to the type of next mission you will take.

We must connect the cables correctly and start the vehicle

Clue: Since we can keep our agent on a daily basis, I recommend you to stop the time from the buttons at the top of the screen when he arrives at the mission. Especially when you work with multiple agents, it can be important in terms of saving the time of others. In addition, when your employee arrives at the event area, if you do not stop the time and wait without giving the order to start the task, you may miss the task.

We have said that as your reputation increases by solving events, your missions at different levels are unlocked. These types of missions include those from the police and other detectives, and if you can complete them, you gain useful features. These usually take place in a story mode called an operation. As you complete the tasks in order, you can move on to the next stage of the same task sequence. Before starting the quest series, you are informed which features you should focus on. According to him, if you hire your agent correctly, you can easily pass the levels. Of course, you can’t get every job. Our main hero, Hank, must be level enough for that task.

Direct electric current will power the motor

You may need to be very fast as some tasks are time limited. For example, you have to bring the electrical installation to the direct current limit within 20 seconds, which was the most difficult task for me.

When you fail, you run out of money to hire new agents. This time, the city bank comes into play. If you want, you can continue on your way with new agents that you can borrow and hire. But you have to be careful. You don’t run the risk of failing missions. Because the bank is taking back the loan it has given. For this reason, you need to be good at both completing the work you take and office management.

Rough Justice: '84 review / PC


Rough Justice 84 from Gamma Minus UG helps you have a good time overall. It can also be one of your everyday games. Because it has a structure that allows you to enter and exit whenever you want, as in mobile phone games. I played the game for about 10 hours to write the review. But I’m sure there is much more to see. Because I can see that there are other regions on the map of the game, although I can’t open it yet. I am sure that I will encounter many different stories and cases that need to be resolved in the future.
