Rosehip (butt-scratcher): powder, herbal tea, what are the benefits?

Rosehip butt scratcher powder herbal tea what are the benefits

Nicknamed “ass-scratcher”, rose hip is a red berry which, in herbal tea or in capsules, is a very good ally for immunity and also the prevention of certain winter infections.

Rosehip is the fruit of rosehip (Rosa canina) which is a plant of the family of rose bushes. “It is also called “dog rose” since it was used to treat rabies and “ass-scratcher” For its deworming actionthanks to the hairs contained in the berries, particularly in children suffering from intestinal worms“, explains Diane Briol, naturopath. It comes in the form of small red berries ovoid (1-1.5 cm) endowed at their heart with stinging hairs hence his nickname “ass-scratcher”.

What are its health benefits?

  • It is particularly rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system, especially before winter.
  • It contains beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A) and various antioxidants which may protect against certain cancers.
  • It contains mucilages and pectins which regulate intestinal transit (in particular it relieves diarrhea) and protect against gastric inflammation.
  • It is diuretic
  • He is wormy

Rich in vitamin C?

“Its pulp is very concentrated in vitamin C: 100 g of rosehip pulp or berries is equivalent to 1 kg of lemon“, replies Diane Briol.

In bud against colds

Its consumption contributes to prevent colds and flu illnesses. It also has anti-fatigue properties due to its high vitamin C content. “In children who very often have colds, with ENT infections, we recommend its consumption in buds and this will boost their immunity“, our interlocutor tells us.

Rosehip can be consumed as a herbal tea to its diuretic and anti-infectious properties. To do this, simply immerse the rose hips in boiling water, make them boil 4 to 5 minutes and infuse 10 minutes. At a temperature not too high because “vitamin C being decomposed from 60°C“, she specifies. It is advisable to drink one to two cups per day.

The ideal way to consume the fruit directly is to wait for the first frosts.

It can also be consumed in powder form to obtain these vitamin C benefits or in pure fruit. “The ideal way to consume the fruit directly is to wait for the first frosts. Thus, by pressing on the fruit, we remove a small cover and we have a small orange pulp without the stinging hairs., she notes. It can also be consumed in the form of jam or find it on the shelves in the food supplements : in powder, capsules or tablets.

What contraindications?

A priori, there are no major contraindications, unless its consumption is carried out at high dose.
