Rome-Pescara line, RFI: changes to train circulation due to the removal of war devices

Rome Pescara line RFI changes to train circulation due to the

(Finance) – Sunday 26 February, from 8:30 to 12:30, will be railway traffic suspended between the stations of Celano and Tagliacozzo, on the Rome – Pescara line. The provision, ordered by the Prefecture of L’Aquila, – RFI informs in a note – is necessary to allow the deactivation of a war device from the Second World War, found in the vicinity of the Avezzano railway station. The scheduled time for the end of the activities may be brought forward or postponed, based on the effective completion of the scheduled operations.

To ensure mobility to and from Pescara, a program of substitute bus services between the stations of Celano and Tagliacozzo: the buses will not stop in Avezzano as the whole area of ​​the station and the surrounding areas will remain isolated during the entire course of the defusing operations.

The list of Regional trains that will be replaced with buses – R 4165 canceled on the Celano – Tagliacozzo intermediate section;
R 4560 canceled on the intermediate section Tagliacozzo – Celano; R 4544 canceled on the final section Tagliacozzo – Avezzano;
R 4551 canceled on the initial section Avezzano – Tagliacozzo; R 4549 canceled on the initial section Avezzano – Tagliacozzo.

The replacement buses will have the following stopping points: Celano: square in front of the station; Tagliacozzo: BUS terminals via Tiburtina c/o underpass of the Angels.
