After the inter-Malian dialogue, towards a dissolution of the Dan Na Ambassagou militia?

After the inter Malian dialogue towards a dissolution of the Dan

Among the recommendations of the inter-Malian dialogue which ended on Friday May 10, 2024, there is the dissolution of militias and self-defense groups on the national territory and ensuring socio-professional reintegration. Among these groups is Dan Na Ambassagou, which is based in the center of the country.

1 min

With our regional correspondent, Serge Daniel

Self-defense group for some, formidable militias for others, Dan Na Ambassagou has several hundred fighters in its ranks. Most of them consider themselves members of a brotherhood of hunters responsible for defending the communities living in the Dogon country. Their main enemies? Jihadists and perpetrators of looting of indigenous property, they say.

But NGOs often accuse Dan Na Ambassagou of committing atrocities against civilians. The leadership of the armed group has always denied this. Before the 2020 coup, the dissolution of Dan Na Ambassagou had already been requested by the public authorities. But the decision remained at the stage of “ project “, the State not having had the means to cope with its men, who were fine experts in their region.

Will this time be the right one? In the ranks of the movement, the recommendation for inter-Malian dialogue is already being studied. But our interlocutors warn: “ There is no question of disarming us if the state cannot ensure the security of the populations “.

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