Robot Luka shows what ALS does: ‘The problem is in the wires’

1658964991 Robot Luka shows what ALS does The problem is in

The world came crashing down when Anjo and Sascha were told that Anjo was ill. “Our entire vision of the future was shattered,” says Sascha. “But we also found it very difficult to explain to our children.” And that was the basis for Luka & the lights. “We were looking for something that captures the imagination and is understandable for every child wherever he or she lives,” explains Anjo. It became a robot with lights and wires. Anjo: “You can open a lid with a robot and you can see the wires. Those wires are the nerves. Luka has lights in important parts of his body. They break and they try to replace them, but that’s no use because the problem is in the wires and they cannot be repaired.”
