5 good reasons to put your child in a sports camp

5 good reasons to put your child in a sports

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    Are you hesitant about sending your child away from you to camp this summer? The sporting option would however be beneficial in several ways to his development. Here are 5 reasons to consider when registering.

    The summer holidays are coming soon! A long, long-awaited period for the children… which will have to be kept busy throughout these 8 weeks of break. Have you ever considered a colony? Sports options in particular can be a source of many benefits for your child.

    A sports camp takes him out of his comfort zone… and us too!

    Going to summer camp means living in a community and differently than at home, an opportunity to learn new rules and adapt. It’s an excellent way to learn about yourself, strengthen your abilities for autonomy, socialization and learn the rules of community life.

    But also on the parents’ side, it’s also an opportunity to let our “little one” go, to let him live without us for a given time. Destabilizing, but necessary!

    It boosts his confidence and his autonomy!

    Without parents, children no longer have the same benchmarks. In his new environment, the child must manage going to bed, getting up, getting ready, etc. alone. He takes care of his own affairs… guided by facilitators. Our little one will therefore become an actor in his day and develop his autonomy to move forward at the same pace as his new friends while developing his self-confidence. With the added bonus of a slight feeling of freedom.

    It allows him to practice his passion

    If your child has a passion for a sport, it is sometimes difficult to see it stop for 2 months. Offering him a week or two to go to a camp allows him to practice his sport intensively and improve his skills during several hours of sport every day. And if he likes sport but has not yet decided on a discipline, many camps offer multi-sport or multi-activity stays which will perhaps allow him to discover certain affinities for hiking, canyoning, climbing, surfing or horse riding…

    It keeps him away from screens and a sedentary lifestyle

    The sports colony also avoids two of the scourges of our time: the sedentary lifestyle of young people and the screens to which young people are addicted. Indeed, sitting in front of the TV or a screen is bad for their mental and physical health, harmful to socialization and a factor in obesity. It is therefore urgent to get our children moving! A sports camp can do this, while remaining fun, and among friends.

    It is not necessarily overpriced

    Launched by the government on April 11, a Colo Pass was set up to facilitate young people’s access to outdoor activities to promote children’s well-being and prevent mental health concerns, obesity, attachment to screens. This financial assistance is intended for parents of children turning 11 during the calendar year to enable them to send their children to summer camp. So why hesitate?
