Robinson-Tove’s painful beauty tricks on the island

Tove Dalsryd has become a hot potato to say the least after she stepped into Robinson 2023 with a bang.

The first thing that happened was that Tove broke an immunity necklace instead of helping her teammates during a competition. She regretted it all bitterly but was quickly forgiven by the team.

On social media, the buzz about Tove continued as she wore a white dress during her first days in Robinson.

Tove Dalsryd wore a white dress. Image source: TV4

The answer was so simple that the participants were simply “kidnapped” from their hotel rooms and therefore forced to wear the clothes they wore in the room. Which for Tove was a white dress.

After that, Tove has been in the hot air for her entire Robinson stay. Among other things, by being in conflict with Por Lilja, Charlie Wiberg and Karolina Tilander.

The conflict with Karro divided the viewers into two camps and many felt that Karolina was wrong after she slapped away Tove’s hand with a flick-like movement. Karolina also called Tove a snake and a witch.

Tove and Karro ended up in conflict. Image source: TV4

Finally, the day came when it was ear advice. However, Tove had a secret immunity. But then the unexpected happened – she didn’t use it.

It didn’t end completely unexpectedly with Tove getting the most votes and leaving Robinson. When Gränslandet was closed, there was no chance for her to fight back either.

– Is there no way for me to come back?, asked Tove

– No, unfortunately, said presenter Pam.

Tove was forced to leave Robinson Island. Image source: TV4 Tove Dalsryd reveals secrets about the island

During her participation in Robinson, Tove has grown rapidly on social media. Today, she has over 32,000 followers, who she updates daily with question and answer sessions, gossip from the recording and glimpses of her everyday life.

Tove recently guested on the Nyheter24 podcast: Truth & Consequence. She then told me that before Robinson she tried to prepare as best she could.

– I gained five kilos in weight as I knew that you would lose weight there. Then I practiced diving and swimming and using a lighter, she told me and continued:

– What you may not have thought of is that you almost never see me without a coconut in my hand. I ate coconut all the time to keep my energy up, especially before competitions.

Tove Dalsryd. Image source: TV4

During one of the question sessions, a follower asked if Tove was allowed to wear make-up as she often looks made-up.

– No, you didn’t get that. I had false lashes then I used charcoal from the fire so it looks like I have some black eye shadow on.

Another question was about this razor thing for shaving legs/underarms and so on.

– No, we do not have access to razors. But when one of my team had a pair of tweezers as a personal item, I borrowed it and plucked away all the hair on my legs. Sat on the beach and took one at a time.
