Road safety, the State Police-Aspi campaign is underway with the High Patronage of the President of the Republic

Road safety the State Police Aspi campaign is underway with the

(Finance) – It leaves tomorrow road safety campaign made by Highways for Italy in collaboration with the State Police and, for the first time, with theHigh Patronage of the President of the Republic. “Don’t close your eyes. Road safety concerns you too” is the title of one countryside which aims to raise awareness in those who listen to it, overcoming the indifference that is often the reaction of each of us in the face of the abnormal number of victims on the road. Message addressed above all to the most youngalso for this reason it was decided to entrust the direction of the spot to Carmen ElijahItalian director of the successful series “Mare Fuori”, while James Georgeone of the most beloved faces of the same series, plays one of the protagonists.

What does it tell spot. “Over 3,100 road fatalities in one year is a figure we cannot accept. And yet, numbers like this seem to be barely making an impact anymore. It’s not a normal thing. Because, driving, our lives and those of our loved ones are involved”. This is the concept behind the campaign. Analyzing i data Istat on accidents and comparing them with social network trends, we perceive a different and dangerous approach in the face of danger and death, especially on the part of the new generations. The campaign takes a banal and painful sentiment to extremes, such as indifference to the worrying phenomenon. In the commercial we witness a “normal” family scene, everyday gestures: dinner ready, a surreal dialogue between mother and son, the news of the imminent fatal accident, the equally “normal” reaction, poised between the absurd, indifference and fatalism.

And it is precisely the absurdity of indifference that the spot directed by Carmine Elia wants to represent to the general public. A language strongwithout using violent images. A message that causes disturbance, anger, an invitation to reflect. “People’s true wealth -says director Carmine Elia- is time, but conquering time doesn’t mean running. It means driving with caution and awareness. Safety on the roads is important because life, even before that, is important”.

At the version televisionit will be tiled one radio commercials And 5 video pills for the web, which tell through various scenes the correct behaviors to keep driving: compliance with speed limits even in the presence of a construction site, correct use of seat belts, the risks of falling asleep and the importance of avoiding the use of smartphones behind the wheel. The voice that accompanies the campaign “off-screen” is that of Cristina Boraschi, historical voice actress of faces of cinema, such as that of Julia Roberts.

“Now more than ever it is necessary to concentrate all efforts on road safety, so as not to continue traveling the tunnel of death after having passed the Covid one”, he declares Daniela Stradiotto, Central Director of the Specialties of the State Police. “3,100 people, many of whom are young people, who lose their lives on the road due to risky or dangerous driving behaviors, require a decisive relaunch of the efforts of the parties concerned. The renewed collaboration with Autostrade per l’Italia goes precisely in this direction. The State Police is daily engaged in checking and contrasting unlawful behaviour, dedicating itself not only to contrasting but also to prevention with numerous road safety education campaigns with which to promote the culture of safe and responsible driving: culture, this is the meaning of winning march”.

“The security of the people who cross our network every day – he says Robert Tomasi, Chief Executive Officer of Autostrade per l’Italia – is the absolute priority for us: this is why we work with conviction and all the means available, starting with communication, to reduce the levels of accidents. We are aware of the great responsibility we have as a Group in implementing the modernization plan aimed at making our network increasingly secure; however, the assumption is that we cannot do it alone. We need to work hard to influence the perception of citizens, starting with the younger generations, so that they are increasingly aware of the risks they run by adopting incorrect driving behaviour. The power of communication is the first tool to put in place to reverse the course. This is the meaning of our strong collaboration with the State Police and the High Patronage of the President of the Republic tells us that we are working in the right direction.

There countryside it will be on-air on the main national radio and television and its images will be published in the main online and paper newspapers. This is only the latest of the many initiatives implemented by Autostrade per l’Italia and the State Police with the aim of countering the increase in accidents, promoting road safety through an integrated communication plan.
