Risk of chlorine gas emissions when Oceana burned

Risk of chlorine gas emissions when Oceana burned



full screen Large parts of Liseberg’s new water world Oceana were destroyed in the fire in February. Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall/TT

There was a risk of a major chemical release when Liseberg’s water park Oceana caught fire in February, reports SVT Nyheter Väst.

In a side building were plastic tanks with five cubic meters of sulfuric acid and an equal amount of sodium hypochlorite, two chemicals used to purify the water in bathhouses.

According to the emergency services incident report from the fire, an important part of the extinguishing effort was to ensure that it did not reach the chemicals, which, if mixed, could lead to a release of chlorine gas.

According to the report, the risk was that “the fire or a building collapse could cause a chemical release or a gas cloud”.
