Restless legs: insomnia, depressive symptoms… A study reveals the importance of treatment

Restless legs insomnia depressive symptoms A study reveals the importance

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    Restless legs syndrome, which chronically affects 2 to 3% of the population, has repercussions on the mental health of those affected. A study reveals that without treatment, they suffer more from insomnia and depressive symptoms.

    Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) has serious mental health consequences, according to a recent French study cited by theInserm on February 14th. RLS appears in adulthood, it mainly affects women and worsens over time. 2 to 3% of people are affected chronically and 6 to 7% occasionally. The symptoms result in “impatience”, unpleasant sensations generally in the lower limbs, mainly in the evening at rest. “The patient then feels stings, burns or even tingling, which forces him to move his legs regularly in order to relieve himself”.

    But here it is: the consequences of these pains can be significant and to be taken seriously. Inserm quotes Pr Yves Dauvilliers, neurologist at Montpellier University Hospital: “certain surveys and clinical studies suggest that people with RLS are at an increased risk of presenting depressive symptoms or having suicidal thoughts, especially those who suffer from insomnia. However, none of the work carried out so far allows us to “precisely establish the frequency of these complaints, nor the way in which the treatment makes it possible to resolve them”which is why he decided to carry out extensive work on the subject.

    Depressive symptoms: those affected are more at risk

    To carry out the study, the researchers contacted 529 patients with the syndrome who were not undergoing treatment. Each of them was compared with a person of the same age, sex, level of education but who did not have RLS. Both groups answered questions to assess the existence of depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation and also saw a neuropsychologist.

    Conclusion: participants affected by the syndrome were 79% to suffer from insomnia, 32.5% to present depressive symptoms and 28% to have suicidal thoughts against respectively 8.3%, 5.5% and 9.5% in people without RLS.

    Consult a therapist online

    The need for support

    Another interesting fact: one year after treatment with a treatment adapted to each patient, sleep disorders and depressive symptoms have regressed. “This result is important because it proves that the appropriate management of RLS can reduce sensorimotor symptoms, but also those related to mental health”, would like to point out Yves Dauvilliers. However, the percentage of people with suicidal thoughts remained unchanged. The specialist points out that doctors must be made aware of this risk but that in practice, acting out remains rare and multifactorial.

    Last point, Restless Leg Syndrome can be accompanied by other health problems. Among which the appearance of long-term cardiovascular disorders because blood pressure does not drop during sleep when the legs move constantly. Yves Dauvilliers also specifies that patients often express cognitive complaints. Further work is underway to find out more.

    The origin of this disease remains unknown. “A multifactorial origin is suspected, which would involve both environmental and genetic factors.” indicates the researcher.
