Residents see plans for Lombok Park in jeopardy due to disagreements between the province and the municipality

Residents see plans for Lombok Park in jeopardy due to

Response from the Province of Utrecht

We understand the disappointment of local residents and realize that the municipality has also put a lot of energy into the plans made. However, the province cannot make concessions in terms of safety.

The – independent – Safety Board has issued a negative advice, because the level crossing does not comply with the applicable statutory rules (Local Rail Act). This means that the province cannot issue a permit. The province is responsible for security. There is currently a safe grade-separated crossing. An at-grade intersection would be a deterioration: there is too great a risk of personal injury and road casualties at this location.

In addition, it increases the risk of traffic congestion and delays in public transport: this is the aorta of public transport in Utrecht, the number of public transport movements (trams and buses) is exceptionally high in this area. 130 buses per hour pass here, the majority of which are bi- or bi-articulated, 18 to 25 meters long. In addition, 20 trams of 75 meters pass each hour. It is important not only to look at the number of cars that would use the level transition, but also at the number of trams and buses that pass this point. Apart from the personal injury, an accident would lead to long-term disruption of public transport, to the frustration of many travelers and to unsafe traffic situations elsewhere in the city as well.
