Residents of Strömsund give Christmas presents to the children in Ukraine

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Evy Ohlsson has coordinated and received wrapped Christmas presents from Strömsundsborna to Ukrainian children all week. Everything from cars to blankets for children of different ages were packed into boxes which then went away at the end of the week.

– There have been three or four who have submitted and I hope for more before they leave, said Evy Ohlsson when SVT Nyheter Jämtland met her in the days before the Christmas presents were to be sent.

Of course to send to Ukraine

This is an initiative that has been going on for several years, and in the past the Christmas presents have been sent to needy people in the county. But this year it was obvious to send them to Ukraine.

– This year it was Ukraine for a reason. We all know the reason, it’s war, says Evy Ohlsson.

In the past, volunteers have pleaded that too much clothing is being sent and that they need military equipment instead. But Evy Ohlsson is sure that this is important and that the Christmas presents will arrive.

– These end up where they are supposed to. I’m sure of that, she says.

Hear Evy Ohlsson and see the Christmas gift collection in the clip above.
