Residents in Hällefors worried about the future: “Nobody wants to move here”

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– It is an adjustment for people, my son for example, who are sensitive to changes, says Merja Nahkiaisoja.

Before Tuesday’s meeting with the housing company, she was more worried, but afterwards she was satisfied with the meeting and felt that she had received answers to all her questions. No one should end up on the street, says the housing company, but everyone should be helped to find a home. On the other hand, Merja Nahkiaisoja is worried because the apartment demolitions say something about the future of Hällefors.

– More companies, jobs and tax money are needed. Nobody wants to move here because there are no jobs to look for.

“Like a bomb”

Several people at the meeting that SVT Nyheter Örebro spoke to were worried about the development in the municipality. Anette Olsson participated and wondered what it would be like for young people and students. She understood the need for renovations in the area, but questioned whether everything would really be demolished. She sympathized with people who are now being forced to move.

– It is clear that everyone is worried, where are they going to go? Why? It probably came as a small bomb, she said.

Hällefors resident Marie Carlsson was also at the meeting. She lives opposite one of the houses to be demolished, but was not at all happy with the meeting.

– Useless, she said of the meeting, before continuing and explaining why she did not want to see any demolitions:

– Firstly, we have just changed the CEO and we have changed all the locks. Now all of a sudden we have to demolish and relocate all the people.

In the clip above, you hear three Hällefors residents about the demolitions.
