In the event of undernutrition, it is possible to have recourse to special medical foods, such as Renutryl®, intended to provide the energy necessary for weight gain. Dosage, composition, indications, dangers and precautions for use.
What is Renutryl?
Renutryl® is a foodstuff intended for special medical purposes. It’s a high protein nutrient, high calorie and low glycemic index, which comes in the form ofa cup of milk dessert flavored with coffee, chocolate or strawberry. There is also the Renutryl® booster which is more energetic (more lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins) in the form of 300ml bottles coffee, caramel, strawberry, vanilla and chocolate ready to drink. Renutryl® is lactose-free, gluten-free and fiber-free (except for the Renutryl® chocolate flavor booster).
What does Renutryl contain?
Renutryl® is a high protein and high calorie mixture. Its main ingredients are water, glucose syrup, milk protein, vegetable oils (sunflower or rapeseed), sucrose, milk cream (Renutryl® dessert), thickeners (Renutryl® dessert), flavorings, emulsifiers, gelling agents (Renutryl® dessert), colorings (depending on the flavors) and a mix of 13 vitamins and 15 minerals and trace elements. Among the energy and nutritional constituents there are:
- lipids (saturated and unsaturated fatty acids),
- carbohydrates (sugars, lactose),
- proteins,
- salt,
- mineral substances (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluoride, selenium, chromium, molybdenum and iodine),
- vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12, C, D, E and K).
Indications: when to take Renutryl?
Renutryl® is to be used in adults and under medical supervision onlywhen there is undernutrition or risk of undernutrition such as in situations hypermetabolism, hypercatabolism, cancer, depression, isolation, lack of appetite, anorexiaearly satiety or in the elderly malnourished. It must be consumed in addition to other sources of nutrition and cannot constitute in itself the only means of nutrition. The quantity to be taken and the frequency of taking are to be defined with the doctor according to the state of health.
Is it effective for gaining weight?
Renutryl® is a high-calorie, high-protein foodstuff whose objective is to compensate for weight loss in people who are undernourished or at risk of undernutrition. In case of normal diet and apart from malnutrition, Renutryl®, if consumed, can lead to weight gain. However, this product is not intended to make non-malnourished people fat. An excessive intake of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals can have adverse effects on the body.
What are the dangers of Renutryl?
Renutryl® does not present any particular danger if it is used within the framework of its indications and under medical supervision. It is generally well tolerated, including in people with lactose intolerance, since it does not contain any. However, excessive consumption can damage certain organs (such as kidneys or liver) and have harmful consequences for the body (especially if thehigh protein and high calorie intake is too rough). Renutryl® may not be recommended in the case of certain pathologies (examples: metabolic diseases concerning elements contained in Renutryl® such as certain vitamins, certain trace elements, certain proteins, etc.).
In whom is it contraindicated?
Renutryl® booster is contraindicated in case of allergy to any of the product components.
What are the precautions for use?
Renutryl® should not be taken without medical advice. The dosage and frequency of intake should be adapted to the patient’s state of health. Before consuming Renutryl®, it is important to ensure that the person is able to swallow correctly, depending on the chosen texture (example: risk of choking in the elderly or people with upper digestive tract conditions) . It is advisable to shake the Renutryl® booster well before use and not to boil it, at the risk of denaturing certain elements it contains. Unopened, this product should be stored in a cool, dry place. Once opened, Renutryl® is to be consumed within 24 hours (in the original packaging tightly closed) and keep in the refrigerator. It is recommended drink enough water between shots. Although it is low on the glycemic index, it may still be necessary to control blood sugar in people who need it (example: in diabetic patients).