Reasonable that there will be resignations

Reasonable that there will be resignations



full screen Jimmie Åkesson on Thursday. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

Sweden Democrats’ party leader Jimmie Åkesson comments on the resignation demands for Governor Anna Kinberg Batra.

– It is perfectly reasonable given the debate that has taken place, he says.

Jimmie Åkesson says that it is ultimately a question for the government and for the county board in Stockholm.

– I fully understand that Stockholm politicians or people who represent Stockholm have strong views on what has happened, he says.

Anna Kinberg Batra, who is the governor of Stockholm, has been in trouble since she hired people she is reportedly friends with for top jobs at the county board. One of the recruitments had only been advertised on a notice board in the county board’s reception.

JO is now reviewing three different recruitments made by Kinberg Batra.

On Monday, about 20 SD politicians in Stockholm County wrote a debate article in which they demanded Kinberg Batra’s resignation.

– It is perfectly reasonable given the debate that has taken place that there will be this type of demand, then it is ultimately up to Anna Kinberg Batra and the government itself to figure this out, says Åkesson.
