Quiz: do you recognize these minerals?

Quiz do you recognize these minerals

Rare and precious or very common, there are now nearly 5,000 known minerals and we are discovering new ones every year! Can you recognize these 10 minerals?

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a mineral is defined by its chemical composition and structure. They are divided into 10 families (native elements, sulphides, sulfates, phosphates, silicates, organic compounds …). While we only knew about a hundred in the 18th century, today there are nearly 5,000 minerals different and we discover new ones every year ! Some are present in very small quantities and therefore very rare and very expensive, others are on the contrary very abundant such as silica, calcite or dolomite. They also present colors and very varied characteristics. So will you be able to recognize these 10 minerals?

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  • Enlarge the photo by clicking on it
  • Click on the number of the answer you want
  • The correct answer and the next question are automatically displayed
  • Find out your final score at the end of the 10 questions

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