Qatar, the double game – Le dossier de L’Express

Qatar the double game Le dossier de


It is the most famous country of 2.8 million inhabitants in France. Big as a confetti, but extremely rich thanks to its gas reserves, Qatar regales France with the football of its billions invested in Paris-Saint-Germain, bought in 2011. This summer, it managed to bring in Leo Messi, the best player in the world, in our region. What is this small Gulf gas state looking for? To exist, alongside its larger neighbours, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. He succeeds brilliantly. Since the outbreak of the Afghan conflict, Qatar has imposed itself as the sole intermediary between the Taliban and the great powers. Strengthened by this new micro-superpower status, the emirate is seeking to bring its ideology to life. He has supported mosque projects, finances organizations that tell of a France that is racist and hostile to Muslims. At the risk of a double game.
