Putin speaks to the Russian parliament about the country’s future goals – EPN picks up the key points of the speech | Foreign countries

Putin speaks to the Russian parliament about the countrys future

Putin started his speech after 11 a.m. Finnish time. Putin is expected to outline Russia’s next six years in his annual speech.

MOSCOW President of Russia Vladimir Putin will address the country’s parliament today at the Gostiny dvor conference space in the heart of Moscow.

The speech started after 11 a.m. Finnish time. follows the main content of Putin’s speech in this article.

This is Putin’s second speech to the parliament after Russia began a large-scale offensive operation in Ukraine in February 2022. That year, Putin exceptionally did not give his annual speech.

Kremlin representative Dmitry Peskov said the speech will also form a key part of Putin’s election campaign. Putin is scheduled to cement his fifth term in office in a carefully orchestrated election in March.

In his speech, Putin is expected to discuss Russia’s goals for the next six years. The themes of the speech can range from family policy and population development to foreign and security policy.

Last year, Putin announced in his speech that Russia would suspend compliance with the START treaty limiting nuclear weapons.

The news is updated.
