Put a spoonful on the root and the orchid will grow without stopping for a second

Put a spoonful on the root and the orchid will

Are you looking for an effective method to stimulate your orchid? Here is an unexpected natural remedy that could be the answer.

Indoor plants, like the orchid, have their own requirements to thrive. Before diving into the heart of this method, here are some basics to pamper your orchid:

  • Light : Soft brightness is recommended. Avoid direct sun exposure. A south orientation, in semi-shaded mode, is ideal.
  • watering : During hot periods, increase the watering a little. However, remember that orchids, by nature, require less water than outdoor plants.

Now let’s move on to the centerpiece of this guide: the natural booster. This miraculous potion is made from boiled corn. Yes, you read correctly! Boiled corn, an unexpected source of antioxidants, vitamins B and C, and fibre, can become a formidable ally for your orchid.

How to proceed ?

  1. Take 100g of boiled corn.
  2. Mix it with a liter of lukewarm water.
  3. Mix and filter.

You can use this preparation in two ways:

  • Direct watering : A few teaspoons directly on the roots allow the orchid to absorb essential nutrients.
  • In spray : An occasional spray on the leaves reinforces the effect and boosts growth.

This mixture will not only contribute to vigorous growth, but will also strengthen your orchid’s resistance to possible diseases and pests. So, by combining basic care with this boiled corn trick, you’ll give your orchid every chance to shine brightly.
