prof. Dr. Controversial words from Canan Karatay: Then no one has a head in Turkey

prof Dr Controversial words from Canan Karatay Then no one

One of the country’s leading names in the field of public health, Prof. Dr. Canan Karatay came to the fore again with an interview she gave to Cumhuriyet. Making striking statements, Canan Karatay spoke about her 60 years of experience. Speaking about her own truths, education, health and nutrition and those who have negative opinions about herself, Canan Karatay is about modern medicine, and what we call “modern medicine” is focused on disease. As a treatment, they do whatever “Billy The Kid” says from across the oceans. Then do not read and write in vain. Let them tell you what to do from afar, apply it. Primary school children can do this as well as high school graduates…” he said.


Canan Karatay, who was targeted because of the statements she made during the peak period of the coronavirus pandemic, gave the following answer to the question on this subject: “I will not say anything. They are subcontracting pharmaceutical companies.”


It has been said that foods such as eggs, butter, olive oil, red meat are harmful. Actually, this is not a scientific point of view then.

“Food is the greatest weapon. Henry Kissinger said, “If you want to take over a country, you will seize its food.” Our country is an olive paradise. It is a strategic plant, both for health and for countries.One of the biggest lies in the history of medicine started with the proposition of margarines, saying, “The fats you eat cause a heart attack, so you will eat vegetable oil.”


They programmed the people by making Nurettin Sarısözen sing the folk song, originally a Greek love song, with the words “I can’t eat olive oil but/don’t wear peanuts either”. They still play this song at weddings. Aristotle says: “The one who cuts an olive tree is beheaded” Then no one will have a head in Turkey.”


Canan Karatay also made a striking debut about the best-selling Karatay Diet, which she wrote. Saying that one of the most popular trends of recent years, healthy nutrition trends, is a story, Canan Karatay said, “The “Karatay Diet” was written in my book, but the publishing house insisted, “If we don’t write it, it won’t be sold.” In order to reach the public… If you eat natural foods, you are already healthy. Mineral salt It is very important. If the mineral salt is lacking, the cells will not work. They did not feed this country mineral salt for years. Why do they say that, “Salt raises blood pressure.” Crystal rock salt loaded with minerals – it’s real salt – never raises blood pressure. On the contrary, the blood pressure of the body without salt rises. It is sugar and insulin hormone that raises blood pressure. That’s why I say “Sugar is the sweetest poison”. Refined table salt is also dangerous. Because it’s not salt , the minerals in it have been destroyed.” said.


Is it a sign of sugar addiction when people talk like “I have a sweet crisis”?

“It is a sign of addiction, metabolism disorder and the deterioration of all hormonal balance. What diabetes is, even in the 19th century, was known in England. At that time, sugar was something the rich could obtain. It was a show of prestige. However, the research done at that time was under the carpet. Instead, “Cholesterol “He has a heart attack.”



Karatay explained that five items that are the enemy of healthy food should be avoided.

  • GMO
  • glyphosate
  • Glucose
  • glutamine
  • Gluten
