President Biden has enough credit for his defense minister to be hospitalized Foreign countries

President Biden has enough credit for his defense minister to

However, Biden admitted that Austin’s judgment had failed him when he had kept the president in the dark about his hospitalization.

President of the United States Joe Biden the defense minister is still confident to Lloyd Austin, who has been sued for severance due to a trip to the hospital that caused an uproar. Biden commented on the incident to reporters on Friday.

Austin was hospitalized on Monday of last week, but the ministry did not tell about it until several days later. Republican decision-makers have demanded Austin’s resignation due to the delay and threatened him with impeachment. Several Democrats have also expressed their concerns, but only one has called for a change in the defense minister.

Austin has since resumed his duties, but was still in the hospital on Friday.

Austin, 70, underwent minor surgery to treat the cancer on Dec. 22 and returned home the next day. However, she was taken back to the hospital on New Year’s Day due to complications including nausea and severe pain.

The White House was informed of the hospitalization three days later, and Congress was informed a day after that shortly before the matter was made public. Biden only heard about Austin’s cancer diagnosis for the first time this week.

“Full faith and trust”

Although credit seems to be enough, Biden admitted when asked by reporters that he felt that Austin’s judgment had failed him when he had kept the president in the dark about his hospitalization.

– The president has made it clear: Austin is his defense minister and will remain his defense minister. He has full faith and trust in Secretary Austin and his leadership abilities, a representative of the US National Security Council John Kirby in turn emphasized the news channel MSNBC.

In connection with Austin’s trip to the hospital, investigations have begun both in the White House and the Ministry of Defense. The White House chief of staff ordered an urgent review of the rules governing incapacity for high-ranking officials. This was also done by Austin’s own chief of staff.

The investigation initiated by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Defense assesses, among other things, whether the ministry’s practices are sufficient to ensure timely and appropriate notifications and the effective transfer of authority if top management is unavailable due to health problems or other reasons.
