Premium of 100 euros: for whom? How many times ?

Premium of 100 euros for whom How many times

BONUS 100 EUROS. In total, 38 million French people will benefit from the bonus of 100 euros from December. Find all the conditions of the inflation compensation in our dedicated article.

[Mis à jour le 03 décembre 2021 à 09h19] Will you be one of the lucky beneficiaries of the 100 euros bonus? The inflation allowance is intended for middle-class French people, whose resources do not exceed 2,000 euros net for the month of October 2021, regardless of their status (civil servant, employee, retiree, student , independent …). The premium is paid on an individual basis: in other words, household resources are not taken into account. Payment begins from December for employees in particular. Do you want to know more about the bonus of 100 euros? answers all your questions. Consult our dedicated file now:

Announced by the government last month, it is aimed at the middle classes, regardless of their status:

  • Private sector employees
  • Officials
  • Scholarship students and students receiving the APL. Note: scholarship students must receive an email from Crous to communicate their personal situation. “Thank you for paying attention to your spam!”, Warns the Crous on Twitter. “Only fellows having received the monthly scholarship for October will receive the inflation allowance in December and have therefore received an email. For other scholarship students, payment will take place in January, the date on which we will carry out a new survey by email “.
  • Retirees and seniors touchingASPA
  • The self-employed and self-employed
  • Job seekers
  • Beneficiaries of social minima (RSA, AAH, etc.)

The bonus of 100 euros is granted individually. In other words, the composition of the household is not taken into account to determine eligibility for inflation compensation. Thus, a couple can receive up to 200 euros, i.e. 100 euros each or only 100 euros if only one of the spouses meets the income conditions (read below). In total, 38 million French people will benefit from the 100 euro inflation check.

But who is affected? To determine eligibility for inflation compensation, the government has set a ceiling: are therefore concerned French people who earn less than 2,000 euros net per month – before application of the withholding tax -, whatever their status and profession. To determine the benchmark salary, the executive retained the month of October 2021.

How is the premium of 100 euros calculated?

To be eligible you must earn less than 2,000 euros net per month, i.e. 2,600 euros gross for the month October 2021, whether you are a civil servant, employee, self-employed or retired. Note: this limit of 2,000 euros net corresponds to your remuneration before withholding tax. On the payslip, it will therefore simply be necessary to check the line “net to pay before income tax“, above” net payable “.

Warning: if you are on a short contract (excluding temporary work), the payment of the bonus of 100 euros is not automatic “if the cumulative working time with the same employer is less than 20 hours”, warns the government in its file. hurry. “It will assume that the beneficiary expressly reports to one of his employers, preferably the one with whom the employment relationship is still ongoing, or failing that the one for which they worked the most hours during the month of October “. What about other situations? summarizes them for you:

  • For retirees : you touch the minimum old age (ASPA) or the total amount of your pensions (general, complementary, survivor’s pension …) is less than 2,000 euros net in October 2021. “The assessment of resources will be made on the basis of basis of the amount of pensions retirement basic and supplementary (eg AGIRC-ARRCO), including survivors’ pensions [du mois d’octobre 2021]”, we say.
  • For the self-employed: you must have been in activity in October 2021 and have declared to Urssaf or to the MSA an activity income of less than 2,000 euros net per month “for the year 2020”, it is indicated. “The net income retained is that calculated during the annual declaration of income”, it is recalled. “If the activity is created over the period January-October 2021, this condition will be considered as satisfied”.
  • For autoentrepreneurs : your turnover must be at least equal to 900 euros between January 1, 2021 and September 30, 2021. “This amount must also correspond to an average income of 2,000 euros net per month over the period, which corresponds to , taking into account the application of tax deductions according to the nature of their activity, to an average monthly turnover of: € 4,000 for craftsmen; € 6,897 for traders; € 3,030 for liberal professions “, we complete in the press kit.
  • For job seekers : you must not be in activity and your allowance must be less than 2,000 euros net.

Yes. The use of the 100 euros bonus is not regulated, unlike that of the energy check for example. Initially, the government wanted to set up a fuel check (read below), but the device turned out to be too complex to implement. As this premium is paid directly into your bank account, you can therefore use it as you wish (pay for groceries, expenses for fuel, energy bills, etc.).

The objective of the 100 euros bonus is to respond to the distress of the poorest households, whose finances are undermined by galloping inflation. Foodstuffs, energy prices … Many goods and services have increased in recent months due to the strong economic recovery following the coronavirus health crisis. Initially, the executive had worked on setting up a fuel check, intended for households owning a vehicle, and who saw the fuel bill explode with the rise in oil prices. However, this device turned out to be very difficult to implement, to such an extent that the government preferred to give it up, opting for a broader solution, and allowing households to pay for expenses other than fuel. Do you want to anticipate the end of year celebrations? Consult our dedicated file without delay:

The Family Allowance Fund will be responsible for paying the premium of 100 euros in several cases. summarizes them for you:

  • Students who receive APL
  • AAH beneficiaries
  • Beneficiaries of RSA
  • Employees on full-time parental education leave
  • Beneficiaries of the shared child education benefit (PreParE)

As a reminder, there is no action to take if you are concerned with your family allowances fund, since the payment will be made automatically.

The inflation premium is intended to be paid between December 2021 and February 2022. No specific date could be brought forward for technical reasons. In fact, the payment will have to be ensured through several channels, depending on the beneficiary’s situation. Here is the payment schedule envisaged by the government:

  • End of December 2021: this is the date on which employees will receive their inflation compensation, directly on their payslip. The employer will be responsible for the payment, before being compensated by the State in a second step. The self-employed are also affected by this deadline, as are scholarship students.
  • End of January 2022 : the State will proceed to the payment of the inflation allowance for civil servants, job seekers, invalids, students receiving APL and beneficiaries of social minima.
  • February 2022 : it is at this date that retirees should receive the inflation allowance.

The premium of 100 euros is not intended to become permanent. This is exceptional financial assistance. Consequently, beneficiaries of the inflation allowance will only receive it once.
