Pollen allergies: symptoms, treatments, what to do?

Pollen allergies symptoms treatments what to do

Pollen allergies are back! In particular, grass pollens, the allergens most responsible for pollinosis. What to do to relieve a runny nose or itchy eyes? Update on symptoms and treatments.

With the onset of good weather, concentrations of grass pollens have been particularly strong in recent days. The allergic risk is high throughout France, not one region is spared. Good news, however, the stormy rain showers will flatten the pollens on the ground and temporarily lower the risk of allergies, underlines the latest bulletin of the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA), as evidenced by the 2021 pollen map.

On the same subject

It is estimated that 20% of the French population has a pollen allergy and each year, the frequency of occurrence of pollen allergies increases. Fortunately, the solutions exist and are diversifying.


What is a pollen allergy?

Allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction of the body. In contact with the eyes or the respiratory tract, the pollen provokes more or less disabling inflammatory reactions. In spring and summer many sensitive people suffer from allergy to pollen, as in. This seasonal allergy manifests itself mainly in the spring, but it can last for several months, sometimes until the fall. The warmer, even hotter, and drier the temperature, the higher the pollen concentration: at certain times, we can find nearly 1000 grains of pollen per cubic meter of air, while 5 grains are enough for symptoms to appear. .

What are the symptoms of a pollen allergy?

the hay fever, with its procession of symptoms, is triggered by pollen from trees, shrubs or grasses which, in spring, are suspended in the air. They enter the respiratory tract, by inhalation, causing inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes in susceptible people (conjunctivitis) and nasal mucosa. Hence those watery, prickly eyes, this “fountain” or, on the contrary, blocked nose, and this itchy irritated throat. As a consequence, and this is often neglected, choppy nights and therefore sometimes significant fatigue. “As in any allergy, the body reacts inappropriately, releasing histamine and other inflammatory substances” , explains Dr Isabelle Bossé, president of the allergists’ union.

In mild forms, this results in allergic rhinitis, the symptoms of which are:

  • sneezing
  • stuffy nose
  • runny nose (clear runny nose)
  • watery eyes

Some people are more sensitive to respiratory symptoms triggered by pollen. Indeed, any patient with respiratory fragility sees his risk increase. This is particularly the case for asthmatics.

The 5 signs of allergic rhinitis can be memorized with the word PAREO.
– P for pruritus (itching of the eyes, nose and even palate).
– A for anosmia (loss of smell).
– R for rhinorrhea (clear nasal discharge).
– E like sneezing.
– O as nasal obstruction (stuffy nose).

Pollen from trees (February to May), grasses (May to July) and herbs (July to October) occupy the land for more than half of the year. But you are surely not allergic to everything. This is why it is important to identify the allergens that trigger your seizures by performing tests with a doctor.

Pollen allergies and Covid: what you need to know

According to a recent German study, the risk of being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is higher (infection rate increased from 10% to 30%) when the air is highly concentrated in pollen. More surprisingly: this association also concerned people who were not allergic to pollen. The researchers (who published their work in the specialized journal PNAS) believe that pollens, when deposited inside the nose, on the nasal mucosa, are able to “block” certain genes involved in the antiviral response.

Not sure if you have an allergy or the Covid? If you are allergic, there are no headaches, fever, body aches and / or abnormal fatigue – these are symptoms of covid-19. “The other differentiating factor may be the unusual and different character of the cough compared to previous years.“adds the Asthma and Allergies Association on its information site.

The right reflex? In the event of symptoms reminiscent of the coronavirus (fever, unusual cough, body aches), the best is to call your doctor or make a teleconsultation, or even call 15 in case of difficulty breathing.

Is it normal to feel tired?

People who are allergic to pollen often complain of being tired. Be careful, this symptom should not be confused with drowsiness, sometimes following taking antihistamines. So where does fatigue come from? In fact, it is linked to other symptoms: sleep is affected, nocturnal awakenings are more numerous, and therefore the fatigue generated increases.

In video: How to protect yourself from pollen at home?

How is pollen allergy diagnosed?

the allergological assessment immediate reading (also called prick-test) consists of applying to the skin extracts of allergens that can be breathed (pollens, mites, animal hair, etc.). The allergist doctor then makes them penetrate under the skin by making a small painless scratch.

If the result is positive, a small pimple appears in less than 30 minutes at the site of the allergen concerned.

A positive allergy test should always be checked against the symptoms and the circumstances of their occurrence before declaring that you are allergic and considering treatment. For example, a positive test for grasses will not be of diagnostic value if your rhinitis is permanent throughout the year, because if it were really an allergy to grass pollen, the discomfort would be limited to spring.

Note: if you are taking antihistamines, you will have to stop them at least a week before doing the allergological assessment otherwise, you risk making the tests false negative.

What treatments for pollen allergy?

The only long-term treatment for pollen allergy is desensitization. It consists of putting the body in contact with the allergen regularly, at a low dose, over several years, so that the body no longer recognizes the allergen as an enemy.

The other solutions remain the symptomatic treatments, consisting of limiting the symptoms of hay fever over time. To try to escape these small allergic irritations that prevent you from enjoying the return of the sun in all serenity, start by regularly rinsing your nose with physiological serum or one with a seawater spray with added manganese.

Antihistamine drugs can also reduce the allergic reaction, as can cortisone derivatives for more severe respiratory symptoms. The antihistamines may be available at pharmacies without a prescription.

  • What to do ? If these symptoms appear for the first time and persist for more than a week, ask your pharmacist. He will recommend a nasal wash product (physiological serum), an eye wash solution (Dacryoserum …) or / and an antihistamine (cetirizine, desloratadine) for a maximum of 7 days. At the rate of one tablet per day (a dose of syrup or oral solution for children from 5 years old).
  • If the discomfort persists, it is better to consult your GP. He may prescribe a latest generation antihistamine (bilastine, ebastine, rupatadine), one tablet per day until symptoms disappear. Depending on their intensity, he will add nasal corticosteroids (beclomethasone, fluticasone, budesonide) and eye drops (sodium cromogly-cate, ketotifen, levocabastine).

What to do on a daily basis to relieve an allergy to pollen?

Pollen allergy, also known as hay fever, can be very bothersome on a daily basis. To fight against allergies, natural remedies and grandmother’s tips have proven to be effective.

Certain plants make it possible to reduce the frequency of allergic attacks. To relieve pollen allergies, tarragon is a good solution. It acts as an anti-allergen thanks to its components such as coumarin and flavones. the thyme, a natural expectorant, helps to decongest the respiratory tract. To relieve the respiratory tract, essential oil lavender true is also very effective. To fight against a runny nose, nettle is the ideal remedy. THE’elderberry infusion and apple cider vinegar Butterbur leaf extracts, to be taken in capsule form, are also known for their positive action in cases of pollen allergy.

And also these actions can help you better support your allergy:

  • Air out the house at the end of the day
  • Find out about the weather conditions before a country walk
  • Wear sunglasses when you go out
  • Close windows when mowing the lawn
  • Avoid sleeping with the window open if the bed is near the window
  • Wash your hair often to remove pollen (before going to bed so as not to scatter it on the pillow)
  • Avoid driving with the window open or cycling

What natural treatments to relieve an allergy to pollen?

There are several ways to relieve symptoms without medication. Of course, it’s about improving everyday life, not treating the cause of the allergy.

The list of the main allergenic pollens

Plant species with allergenic pollen that may be considered as very high, are the following :

  • grasses ;
  • birch (mainly in the northern part of France);
  • cypress, thuja, juniper and other cupressaceae (mainly in the southern part of France);
  • ambrosia sagebrush in areas infested by this invasive plant.

The species for which the allergic risk can be considered as raised in France are the following:

  • the gambler (mainly in the southern part of France);
  • the olive tree (mainly in the southern part of France);
  • mugwort;
  • alder;
  • hazelnut;
  • charm ;
  • the plane tree (locally, the number of trees has fallen sharply in recent years);
  • lamb’s quarters, pigweed and other species of the Amaranthaceae (increasing);
  • plantain.

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