Police action on Gotland – climate activists at oil tanks

Environmental activists are said to have painted paint on the ship, with the text “Oil fuels war” shows images that SVT has seen.

– We have police officers on site working on this together with the Coast Guard. We are investigating whether damage has occurred to a ship off Gotland, says Per Fahlström, press spokesperson at the Police’s regional command center to the channel.

It is unclear whether the action took place in Swedish or international waters.

– Every day, the rusty tankers of the Russian shadow fleet ship enormous amounts of Russian oil through the Baltic Sea, and pose a serious threat to our seas and coastlines. Maritime experts believe that it is only a matter of time before an accident happens. We now demand that the Swedish government stop allowing the shadow fleet to be refueled off the coast of Sweden, and thus remove infrastructure that currently facilitates Russia’s oil exports that finance the war in Ukraine, says Erika Bjureby, head of Greenpeace in Sweden, in a press release.

The text is updated.
