Player reaches “Goldcap” in just one year – only needed one profession

9,999,999 gold pieces in World of Warcraft – earned in one year. A player shows how it works – even without a lot of auction house knowledge.

Getting gold in World of Warcraft can be quite a tedious and difficult task. While many can barely cover their general costs, such as repairing or buying potions and enchantments, a few rake in a lot of gold – mostly through the auction house. But you can also become rich with skilled trades. In the WoW subreddit, a player shows how he achieved this with a single profession.

Leather processing gave Jackthedoggo the gold cap within a year.

What is the Gold Cap? In World of Warcraft you speak of a “gold cap” if you have 9,999,999 gold pieces. In this case, no further gold can be collected on this character. However, you can swap out the gold, for example on second characters, in order to continue to increase your possessions.

The gold cap is also sometimes seen in the game as a price limit for auctions. Because if a particularly rare mount is available in a black market auction house, the price usually rises quickly to this gold cap. So it’s not just the ownership cap of a single character, but also the maximum amount that an offer can cost in the game.

How did he achieve this? Anyone who thinks that Jackthedoggo has particularly sophisticated farming skills or has mastered the typical auction house game to perfection is wrong.

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In a longer post he explains that he made all of the gold primarily through leather processing. He also has Alchemy as a secondary profession, but that would only help him reduce the cost of owning vials and would not bring in any actual gold.

In the beginning, Jackthedoggo only specialized in belts because there was a constant and high demand for them. He never asked for large tips or prices, but simply set a minimum amount that was between 5,000 and 7,000 gold. Some only paid that, but many gave significantly more money and so there were days when he would log off with several hundred thousand gold pieces in winnings.

Little by little he specialized in other pieces of armor – after the belts came the bracers and so on.

Incidentally, he has most of his orders on weekends, where he mainly takes care of them while he waits for invitations for “Mythisch+”. On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays he spends between 2 and 5 hours trading – so that’s where the majority of his time goes, which ultimately leads to an average income of around one million gold per month.

Incidentally, he emphasizes that he ignored skilled trades at the beginning and only got into them later. As long as you specialize in one or two recipes, that’s not a big obstacle to earning gold with the professions, even if you’re a latecomer.

In any case, his post seemed to have convinced some people that the professions in World of Warcraft Dragonflight weren’t as pointless as some people thought at first glance.

You just have to use them wisely.

If you need simple tips for gold in Dragonflight, we have some for you here.
