Ice hockey: Czech crowd pressure was too much for Tre Kronor: “We should have handled it better”

In the second period, Tre Kronor collapsed on the ice in the semi-finals. At the same time, the pressure in the arena in Prague was turned up to max.

– They were mentally stronger than us during important periods during the match. We lose 7-3 so there is not much more to say than that, says Erik Karlsson.

Ice Hockey World Cup

  • Switzerland ready for WC final – defeated Canada

  • Jonas Andersson on Tre Kronor’s collapse: “Couldn’t cope with the pressure”

  • He admits the loud home crowd is a factor.

    – It is clear that it is always fun to play at home and have a good crowd. You shouldn’t stick under the chair with that. At the same time, it shouldn’t hurt us. It’s sad that we didn’t have more in us today and couldn’t hold it together better.

    See Lucas Raymond on crowd pressure in the player above.
