Piquadro, turnover grows in double figures

Piquadro turnover grows in double figures

(Finance) – The consolidated financial statements as of March 31, 2022 of Piquadro registered a revenue equal to € 149.4 million, an increase of 31.7% compared to the same period of the previous year which ended at € 113.5 million.

L’Positive EBITDA of approximately 25.3 million, an increase of approximately 14.8 million compared to the figure recorded as at 31 March 2021 of 10.5 million euros. L’Positive EBIT it is equal to 9.2 million euros, an improvement of approximately 13.9 million euros compared to the figure recorded as at 31 March
2021, negative, and equal to (4.7) million euros.

Net profit of the Group amounting to approximately 4.4 million euros improving of approximately 10.2 million compared to that recorded as at 31 March

There Net financial position of the Piquadro Group, in the financial year ended 31 March 2022, was negative and equal to (33.4) million euros. The impact of the application of the IFRS 16 accounting principle was approximately 53.1 million Euros with a negative sign.

(Photo: © Lorenzo Daloiso / Shutterstock)
