Picsou Magazine is 50 years old: how did the duck make its fortune?

Picsou Magazine is 50 years old how did the duck

It was on February 21, 1972 that the Magazine dedicated to the richest and most stingy duck in history was born. Scrooge, known for being miserly, has managed to preserve his favorite penny over the generations. Zoom on this essential comic book character who is still very popular after 50 years!

Picsou Magazine celebrates its 50th anniversary with a special issue!

Over the years, the richest duck in the world, just as stingy as he is a billionaire, has conquered young and old alike through his funny character and his adventures full of adventures. Surrounded by his nephew Donald, Uncle Scrooge enjoys diving into his swimming pool filled… with gold coins. And then, he never separates from his favorite penny, the source of his fortune. No offense to the Rapetou Brothers who dream of stealing his money. On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the bimonthly publishes a special “anniversary” issue, available since February 16 in bookstores. This comic contains 132 pages with a few excerpts from the 1st issue and a review of the notable editions of previous years.

How old is Scrooge?

If the magazine celebrates its 50th anniversary, the famous uncle Scrooge will celebrate its 75th birthday in November 2022.

Picsou is actually called McPicsou, but he had other surnames. He was first called Harpagon then Edgar before being named Balthazar Scrooge. In the USA it is called Uncle Scrooge, in Germany Onkel Dagobert, in Italy Paperon de Paperoni.

When he was 10 years old, Scrooge’s father sent him to shine the shoes of the people of Glasgow, Scotland. As payment, a customer gives him an American coin. This fetish penny then never left the duck who had become a billionaire, who had in mind to make his fortune in the United States. “The story of Scrooge is told to us first by Carl Barks, its creator, then by another author, Don Rosa. Thanks to them – and there are very few characters who are so lucky – we know his youth and all his training from a young shoe shiner in Glasgow to becoming the richest duck in the world” declared the editor-in-chief of Picsou Magazine Jean-Baptiste Roux on France Info.
