Perfect for constipation and digestive problems! Surprising benefits of lemon peel…

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Lemon, which is one of the most consumed foods today, is also frequently consumed in meals and salads. The peel of the lemon, which is also used in teas and desserts, contains at least as many vitamins and minerals as itself. Lemon peel can cure many other ailments, especially digestive problems.


The peel of the lemon has a rich content from antioxidants to fibers, from minerals to vitamins. Therefore, the question of what lemon peel is good for is one of the most frequently asked questions.

Here are the curious benefits of lemon peel:

Vitamin C deficiency can lead to bleeding gums on the teeth. The amount of vitamin C in the content of lemon peel has a very important place for gum health.
Lemon peel containing pectin, PMF and essential oils reduces fatty liver in the liver. It also reduces cholesterol levels.


Lemon peel, which has fiber content, has an important place for intestinal health and prevents constipation problems by ensuring regular functioning of the intestines.
It helps cell regeneration. It strengthens the cell wall with its antioxidant properties.

It provides protection against cancerous cells by preventing the proliferation of free radicals.
Lemon peel contains flavonoids naingin and hesperidin. These are beneficial for vascular health.
