Per Olofsson, 46, is sentenced for the murder of Julia Feltzin, 97

Per Olofsson 46 is sentenced for the murder of Julia

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Per Olofsson, 46, was sentenced this week for the murder of Julia Feltzin, 97.

Örebro district court sentences him to 18 years in prison for murder and gross embezzlement.

The motive must have been financial and to get rid of a “stressful moment” after the 46-year-old was reported for assault by Julia.

full screen Per Olofsson murdered Julia Feltzin, 97. Photo: the police

97-year-old Julia Feltzin was deaf since childhood – that’s how she got to know Per Olofsson, 46, who himself has a hearing loss.

When she disappeared from her apartment in Örebro on September 30, suspicions were early directed towards Per Olofsson. The witnesses had seen how they left her residence together that evening.

Julia Feltzin’s walker was found abandoned on a jetty at Svartån, which led to several dives, but without finding her. A few days later her body was found in the river.

Today, the verdict was announced in Örebro District Court. Per Olofsson is found guilty and sentenced to 18 years in prison for murder and two counts of gross embezzlement.

A forensic psychiatric examination shows that Olofsson does not suffer from any serious mental disorder.

The district court believes that there are aggravating circumstances in the case, but that they are not sufficient to sentence the man to life imprisonment.

Bought a new stove and iPhone

The motive for the murder is partly financial and also stress for Per Olofsson after Julia Feltzin only weeks earlier reported him for assault, according to the verdict. According to the indictment, the 46-year-old embezzled approximately SEK 483,000 during 2019–2021 from Julia Feltzin’s account and transferred it to his own. He was also listed in her will.

The indictment states that he bought, among other things, a new stove and an iPhone.

Throughout the trial, he has denied murder and provided an alternative explanation. He believes that they were very much out walking by Svartån the night Julia Feltzin disappeared.

Per Olofsson says that he wanted to talk to her about the abuse allegations and that he drove her to Svartån the night she disappeared. After that they had walked arm in arm to some benches next to the river to talk.

full screen Julia Feltzin disappeared from her apartment in Örebro and was later found murdered. Relatives have approved that names and pictures be published. Photo: The police

Saw white foam: “No thoughts of helping her”

In questioning, Olofsson states that “Julia started nagging that she wanted the walker as soon as they got to the benches”. Therefore he had gone back to the car alone to get it and when he came back Julia was gone. In the river he had discovered a white foam and he thought she must have fallen in.

When he saw the white foam, he states that he “didn’t have a thought to help her” and that “it was like he had second thoughts and therefore dropped the walker at the dock”. Instead, he got into the car and drove home: “he just wanted to go home to his wife.”

According to the coroner, Julia Feltzin has a number of injuries on her body that occurred close to the time of death.

However, it has not been possible to determine the exact location of the murder or the exact cause of death.

full screen Per Olofsson is sentenced to 18 years in prison for murdering 97-year-old Julia Feltzin. Photo: The police

Previously convicted of arson

The police and prosecutor’s theory is that Per Olofsson drove to some place by Svartån in Örebro where he either suffocated or otherwise injured Julia Feltzin, who then ended up in the water.

Per Olofsson has previously been sentenced to two years in prison for arson. This after he set fire to a community center to hide the fact that he had neglected the accounting for a foundation.

full screen Police and emergency services during a search operation. Photo: Nicklas Lindahl/Pressbilden
