Parking for SEK 3,000 an hour in Jönköping

Here is the number that shocks the residents of Jönköping.
During the Easter weekend, they have to pay SEK 3,000 an hour for parking in selected places at the Asecs shopping centre.
– It’s an outrageous price, says Eva Karlsson to SVT Jönköping.

What would you be willing to pay for a parking space at a mall?

In the municipality of Jönköping, a temporary parking fee has been introduced at Asecs during the Easter weekend in connection with a motor fair that several hundred usually visit. The sum lands at just over SEK 3,000 per hour, reports say SVT Jönköping.

– I could never stand here for 3,000 kroner, says Eva Karlsson.

The explanation: Recommendation from the police

The fee is collected at entrance C and applies from Friday to Monday from 18.30 to 08.00. The rest of the time, the regular fee applies.

– It is based on a recommendation from the police, to be able to gather everyone in one place and make it easier to catch if things get messy, says center manager Johanna Donker to SVT Jönköping.

Many people ask why the entire car park is not closed, but since Jönköping municipality also uses the car park, it must be kept open.

– We have raised the parking fee during the Easter weekend since 2021, so it is well proven and is only increased after the shopping center’s opening hours, says Johanna Donker to SVT.
