Fortnite players raise $70M for Ukraine
Fortnite players of Epic Games came together and collected $ 70 million in aid money for Ukraine in a week. The famous battle royale game Fortnite, developed by Epic Games…
3rd most valuable company; Huawei 2021 annual report published
Seeing a big change under the US embargo Huaweipublished the 2021 annual report, which hosts important data today. published. Organized an event today Huaweishared its financial results for 2021 together…
Bills: with the protected person spent 1,300 euros more in 4 years
(Finance) – Starting from the end of 2021, with the post-pandemic economic recovery, the demand for electricity has risen dramatically, in the face of an offer that is struggling to…
Atlético seduces Dybala
Paulo Dybala will be one of the names of the market in 2022. The 28-year-old Argentine ends contract with Juventus and according to the latest conversations with his club, everything…
Report: Putin critic Boris Nemtsov was followed by FSB agents before the 2015 assassination
Bellingcat, the BBC and The Insider tracked the movements of agents on Nemtsov’s heels from the months before the shooting. Five Chechen men were convicted of murder. Several Russian security…
Tero Lehterä and former assistant coaches win salary dispute – SaiPa has to pay tens of thousands in damages to its former coaches
SaiPa’s former head coach Tero Lehterä and former assistant coaches Tuomo Ropo and Kari Martikainen considered the layoffs last spring illegal. The District Court of South Karelia came to the…
This is how Zelensky announced: They killed some of them, and we can’t find many of them.
Russia’s intervention in Ukraine continues. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy made striking statements in an interview, “They kidnapped our mayors and killed some of them. “We can’t find many of them,”…
This cancer is more common in men.
Colon cancer is one of the most common cancer types in the world and in our country. As time passes, the number of people with colon cancer is increasing due…
Top start for the 2022 RFI Theater Prize
Annual meeting for authors of theater, the call for writings is launched this Monday, March 28. To apply for the 9th edition of the RFI Theater Prize, candidates have five…
World Bank bond issue to save South Africa’s rhinos
Appealing to investors to save the black rhinos is the idea of the World Bank which will issue, on March 31, a loan of 150 million dollars in “Rhino Bonds”.…