An uncertain future and problems with education drive the youth of northern Syria to leave the country
On the scale of war-torn Syria, the Kurdish region is a success story, but education problems and the ending up of minors in military service worry young people and their…
Helmareit’s shy running machine is living his dream, but sometimes being a professional is excruciatingly lonely – “I feel like others are judging me as a person too”
Helmareite Emma Koivisto has told about her shyness and timidity, but the green has not had any information about it. Sometimes the everyday life of a football professional is rough…
Visitation restrictions at NÄL in Trollhättan and Uddevalla hospital
These include Norra Älvsborgs Länssjukhus in Trollhättan and Uddevalla Hospital, where the number of admissions for covid-19 has quadrupled in the last ten days. The two hospitals now allow a…
Restrictions on visits back to hospital
Published: Just now full screenMore hospitals have reintroduced restrictions for visitors. Stock Photography. Photo: Magnus Hjalmarson Neideman / SvD / TT The increased spread of the coronavirus means that several…
Sebastian, 10, was attacked by a dog – the owner deviated
Earlier this summer, when 10-year-old Sebastian went inline skating down the yard, he was attacked by a dog, which bit and tore him in the face. The wound on the…
Crypto platform is forced to reconstruction
The announcement comes a month after the company stopped payments from the platform. Celsius is now one of several players in the industry that has been forced to either reorganize…
22 highlights apart from Lord of the Rings and House of the Dragon
The first half of the series year is behind us and has produced many series highlights for 2022. But also the next six months Netflix, Disney+, Amazon, Sky and Co.…
dates and new health protocol, what we know
BACK TO SCHOOL 2022-2023. What do we know about the health protocol for the next school year? When does the 2022-2023 school year take place? Who are the young people…
Former UK Chief of Staff Richards: If I was in office, I would investigate allegations that British soldiers killed Afghans
Former British Chief of Staff, General Lord Richards, evaluated the BBC’s findings in 2010 and 2011 that British special forces (SAS) repeatedly killed detainees and unarmed Afghans under suspicious circumstances.…
July 14: soldiers from nine NATO member nations invited to parade on the Champs-Élysées
As every year for the national holiday, several military parades are organized throughout France on July 14. In Paris, it takes place on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées. This year, soldiers…