PA assumptions, Pacific (Anief): without dual channel it will be a failure

PA assumptions Pacific Anief without dual channel it will be

(Finance) – With the decree law approved today in the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Education and Merit has launched a hiring plan permanent contracts of teachers, pending the carrying out of the competitions foreseen by the PNRR: the minister said today Joseph Vallettara underlining that “with the plan that we have decided to support the measures envisaged by the Pnrr, we aim to create the conditions for the regular start of the next school year, ensuring didactic continuity for students, the quality of teaching and the reduction of precariousness” .

From the same ministry also comes a “prompt and significant” answer garlic students with disability “with the most significant introduction of support teachers in recent years, making recruitment procedures more selective”. Furthermore, the minister continues, the dicastery is in the process of launching an insolvency procedure for teachers who have completed 36 months of service or are in possession of 24 university training credits“. Finally, with the decree “we intervene on mode Of unfolding of the competition for technical managers with inspection functions of the Ministry of Education, in order to unblock the procedures for the relative recruitment, which have been stopped for years”.

The union Anief reiterates its opposition to a recruitment plan that does not provide for the stabilization of candidates present in the provincial rankings for substitutes: already in the early afternoon, the young union had declared its opposition to some draft decrees circulated. “The rejection of Anief – underlines its national president, Marcellus Pacificus – is motivated by the fact that it is a pejorative act of the previous management of the transitional phase and would lead the union to ask for Parliament’s intervention to profoundly amend the law, so as to honor the agreement signed last month between the ministry and the social partners ” .
