Over 30-year-old Portuguese Bob became the world’s oldest dog: watch the heartwarming video

Over 30 year old Portuguese Bob became the worlds oldest dog watch

Bobi is a purebred Alentejo dog, and he turned 30 years and 226 days old at the beginning of February.

Bob, who spends leisurely dog ​​days in the village of Conqueiros in western Portugal, has reportedly become the oldest dog in the world. According to the certificate of the Guinness Book of Records, the purebred Alentejo was 30 years and 226 days old at the beginning of February, reported by the public broadcasting company BBC (you will switch to another service) on Friday.

Bob’s age has been confirmed from the Portuguese pet database maintained by the National Veterinary Association.

The previous record was valid for almost a hundred years, because Bluey, a hairy cat who died in Australia in 1939, was 29 years and five months old when he went to the heavenly pastures.

According to Leonel Costa, Bob’s owner, the secret of a pet’s longevity lies in a peaceful home and village environment. Bobi also pops the same food as the family, although the spices that might irritate the dog’s stomach have been soaked away.

Even Bobika has not survived the ailments of old age without power, as walking has become difficult and her eyesight is no longer as good as it was in her puppy days.

Have you ever had a dog that lived to be really old? You can discuss the story on 6.2. until 11 p.m.
