Osteoporosis: a dietician swears by these 4 foods to strengthen bones

Osteoporosis a dietician swears by these 4 foods to strengthen

Hormonal changes during menopause or certain medical treatments can weaken bones. A dietitian reveals the 4 foods you absolutely must add to your plate to fight against bone fragility.

Whether it is hormonal changes due to menopause, lack of physical activity or even certain medical treatments, such as hormone therapy, many factors can weaken bones, and consequently increase the risk of fracture.

On the same subject

But if we can’t fight genetics or stop medical treatment, that doesn’t mean we can’t do anything. To build armor against bone fragility, the dietitian Catherine Gervaciofrom Living Fit, recommends 4 foods to eat daily.

#1 Leafy greens

We don’t think of them spontaneously when we think of “foods good for bones”, but leafy vegetables like kale, spinach or green cabbage are full of benefits.

“These vegetables provide vitamin K which helps absorb calcium,” explains Catherine Gervacio. “Consider adding it to your soups. But there are also tons of green smoothie recipes that combine leafy greens with fruit and dairy.”

#2 Dairy products

Catherine Gervacio recalls that calcium is “known to build and maintain bone density” because it participates in the production of collagen, which “provides the structural framework of bone tissue”. And nothing better than dairy products to find the best sources of this nutrient.

#3 Lean proteins

Proteins play an essential role in maintaining bone density: in addition to the dairy products we have just talked about (like skyr for example), fish and lean meats provide quality proteins. “These proteins are crucial for the production of collagen which constitutes the structure of bones” insists the dietitian. Furthermore, fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D which help the body absorb calcium.

#4 Nuts and seeds

Oilseeds (walnuts, almonds, pistachios, etc.) are extremely rich in magnesium, an essential nutrient for properly assimilating calcium. Luckily, nuts and seeds are easy to incorporate into our daily diet, even if only by adding a handful of oilseeds to morning muesli. But you can also season your salad with walnut oil.

On the other hand, limit your consumption of salt or caffeine because they contribute to the elimination of calcium.
