Occupational therapy, a discipline at the service of mental health

Occupational therapy a discipline at the service of mental health

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    After an accident, a life event or a degenerative disease, it is possible to be unable to perform daily activities. Something that occupational therapy can remedy, for which it is World Day this Thursday, October 27. The opportunity to highlight the many benefits of the discipline.

    Put daily activities back at the heart of health care. Through occupational therapy, Yasmine Frikha helps her patients carry out daily activities, sometimes restricted due to illness, disability or psychological blockage. This is one of the virtues of this discipline, which is also beneficial for mental health.

    What is occupational therapy?

    In are report published in 2021, the French National Association of Occupational Therapists explains: “the ergotherapist (occupational therapist) is for anyone who has difficulty in carrying out their daily occupations and in their relationship to themselves and the world“.

    These professionals are mainly found in institutions such as rehabilitation centers, hospital services, psychiatry, pediatrics, nursing homes, etc. “Generally, people are brought to meet an occupational therapist as part of rehabilitation“, explains Marine Dalle, occupational therapist. Some settle in as a liberal, which allows them to act in school environments or to receive patients with a medical prescription.

    Treatment is tailored to the patient. “This does not necessarily involve a follow-up of several sessions“, abounds Marine Dalle. In the context of rehabilitation, for example, the occupational therapist helps to adapt the patient’s environment so that he regains his autonomy at home.

    “HASith a new patient, we start with an assessment“, continues Marine Dalle. The idea is to target the problems and diagnose how these symptoms influence the patient’s activities. Sometimes, the assessment can be enough to give recommendations to improve daily life. Otherwise, the occupational therapist puts in set up an individualized intervention program to find solutions to make their activities accessible again.

    Throughout the sessions, occupational therapists set achievable goals to help the person progress at their own pace. In these cases, in liberal, the follow-up is done, on average, once a week, until the person is able to carry out the activities important for him.

    Why is it good for mental health?

    If a person is no longer able to work, take care of themselves and/or others, they risk depression. “With the pandemic crisis, we realized the importance of daily activity“, continues Marine Dalle.

    In ergo, we do not separate physical health and mental health“, specifies Yasmine Frikha. The activities touch on different dimensions and make it possible to meet needs, desires and desires.“. So many dimensions that are essential to good mental health.
