Obesity in children: follow-up covered by Medicare for 3-12 year olds

Obesity in children follow up covered by Medicare for 3 12 year

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    To fight against “the worrying increase in obesity among the youngest”, Medicare will generalize the monitoring of children aged 3 to 12, at risk or in a situation of overweight. This will include dietary and psychological monitoring.

    It is a bitter realization. With 17% of 6-17 year olds overweight, of which 4% are even obese, “childhood obesity has become a major public health problem“in France, estimates the Health Insurance, which announces the generalization of a follow-up for children from 3 to 12 years old.

    Nearly twenty sessions and three assessments covered

    The “Mission: find your course” program allows children aged 3 to 12 who are overweight or at risk of becoming overweight, to benefit from early and multidimensional care (dietary, psychological, physical activity). This support is reimbursed 100% by the Health Insurance without advance of costs by the family, nor overrun of fees.

    In detail: on prescription from a doctor (general practitioner, pediatrician or school doctor), Medicare will reimburse 100% for up to three assessments: dietary, psychological, physical activity and 18 follow-up sessions, in one of the 260 structures referenced on the ameli.fr website and over a maximum period of two years.

    In practice, to benefit from the “Mission: find your course” program:

    • With the doctor’s prescription, the family telephones the health center or the chosen health home to make appointments. But to date, the list cannot be found on the health insurance website…
    • The family with their child meets the professionals who will accompany them. The professionals send reports of the appointments to the child’s doctor.
    • Once the appointments have been made, the family consults the child’s doctor to review the situation.

    Note: during appointments, remember to bring your child’s Vitale card and health record.

    Objective: to eradicate obesity, “proven risk factor” for certain pathologies, such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

    NO to diets, YES to WW!

    A device already tested in three departments

    Tested in 2018 in Reunion, Seine-Saint-Denis and Nord-Pas-de-Calais, this device called “Mission: find your course” helped these children to stabilize or “improve” their body mass index.

    In total, 2,086 children were included in the experiment in nearly 50 structures, with a majority of girls (60%), with an average age of 6.6 years. According to Medicare, for 80% of them, this allowed them to improve at least one lifestyle habit, such as stopping snacking or the consumption of sugary drinks at the table.

    The system is therefore now generalized to the whole of France.
