Nurse Johanna Sundesten in Umeå about the overtime blockade: “It doesn’t work anymore”

A blockade of overtime and overtime means that employees refuse to perform work outside regular working hours during the conflict period. Blockade of new hires means that the employer may not hire new members of the Vårdförbundet during the same period.

It is members of the Vårdförbundet that are covered and this corresponds to approximately 2,700 employees within Region Västerbotten.

The blockade will mean limited availability and increased load within certain businesses and professional categories. The impact is greatest in care that takes place during evenings, nights and weekends.

Scheduled surgeries, follow-ups and return visits may need to be reduced or even closed during a conflict, contributing to longer waiting times as a result.

Professional groups that are not covered by the conflict risk having to work more and under higher pressure, with an impact on the work environment and workload as a result.

Most exposed are the region’s emergency lines. This concerns, for example, emergency department, operating activities, intensive care, airborne transport, ambulance, childbirth. All three hospitals in Västerbotten are affected.

Facts: Region Västerbotten
