Now the Macchiarini case is taken up in the Court of Appeal

Scandalous surgeon Paolo Macchiarini was convicted last year – despite his denial – of causing serious bodily harm to a patient. He was acquitted on two other charges relating to two former patients. All three patients are now deceased. Now the new negotiations start, which are spread over a month. The scandalous surgeon Paolo Macchiarini performed three operations with synthetic tracheas in 2011 and 2012. And in June 2022, he was convicted of a felony for causing bodily harm and sentenced to a suspended sentence in Solna district court. The bodily injury concerned a woman from Turkey, who was the third patient to have a synthetic trachea operated on by the surgeon at Karolinska University Hospital. Defense attorneys and prosecutors are appealing the sentence. The sentence meant that he would receive two years of unsupervised probation, and if he committed other crimes, a different penalty would be imposed or the probation period would be extended. However, Paolo Macchiarini was acquitted of the charges regarding the two previous patients. But both Macchiarini’s defense and prosecutors appealed the verdict. Now the Svea Court of Appeal has decided that the new trial will be held from mid-April to the end of May. Dagens Medicin states this. The negotiation dates are set for April 17, 18, 20 and 21 and May 22, 23 and 24. During the period, the court will be able to take part in evidence and listen to interrogations from the Solna district court. The main proceedings begin in Svea Court of Appeal at 9.30 a.m., Monday 17 April.
