“Not satisfied at all” – see the special ending of the San Marino match

Not satisfied at all see the special ending of
Markku Kanerva had to wake up Huuhkaji: “Not satisfied at all”

Huahkaji’s head coach Markku Kanerva spoke at length about the picture of the game, as usual. However, Huuhkaji’s head coach revealed that he had to stretch his players at halftime after a sticky opening half.

– We went for a win. Of course, it would have been tougher if the margin had been a bit clearer. Overall, the defensive game worked well. They had one place and we finished the comma ourselves. Had to wake up the crowd during that break. The first episode was not satisfying at all. There wasn’t enough of a threat. There were a few guys in it, but the second episode had a level up. We were able to create chances, but above all we scored two goals, Kanerva described.

Kanerva was not satisfied with the game performance.

– We have to improve, Kanerva said, but he was satisfied that 23 players received information in the games in this window.

Kanerva praised 18-year-old Tomas Galvez’s performance when asked about it separately.

– You have to take into account the opponent’s level, but he played maturely. There was no tension in the shots, Kanerva summed up.

Kanerva also revealed that the San Marino game was the last international match before the further qualifiers expected in March. There will be no traditional January international matches this time.

– The preparation time is really short. A couple of good workouts and then we’ll go. A January camp was planned, but could not be realized. It’s not on an international game day. It was difficult to get players. Some of the clubs would not have allowed. We should have had a group that would have met the purpose, Kanerva said.
